I want to share with you a project I have been working on for the last few months and really means a lot to me. Last year while organizing an old storage unit, my mother found a big pile of hundreds of drawings I made during the years of 1981-1983 when I was only 4-6 years old. I knew I was drawing from a very young age but I did not remember drawing or even seeing most of these drawings in the past. I must admit it was overwhelming and incredibly touching for me to find this treasure and looking of many of these drawings I could not believe I have created them in such a young age (fortunately the drawing are dated). There was something fresh, and un influenced by nothing but my internal world that apparently did not changed much to this day I knew right away that I have to do something with this find and not let it rest in a storage for another 40 years. I decided to select 8 of these drawings and make a little art project Inspired by it.
the main idea was the keep it as close as possible to the original drawing and just add a bit extra 3d dimension feel to it. I was not trying to find the perfect line or shape, or trying to draw something “correctly” as I did in most of my adult life creation but letting the imperfections be and embrace the beauty and freedom of it without trying to please anybody or worry about any commercial purposes. There is something very liberating in this creative process and I think I will be embracing this approach for my future work. I hope you will enjoy and connect to this project as much as I did when I found this little treasure and worked on this special project who took me back in time to the core of who I’m. I made this project for myself without any goal of pleasing anyone or sell these pieces but if you like one of these creations you are more than welcome to have it or even ask me to make something like that based on your own or your family members drawing.
You can see all of them and order here Fashion production and some of the images by the talented Maya Maymoni Models: Maya Goren and Roza Igzaw.
Me as a Child
That’s my boy modeling it :)
Lion and Elephant